Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Blog Blonde Is At It Again!

I'm trying to update my blog--add stuff, change stuff, and basically just try a bunch of technical things I haven't a clue about. Sooooo, bear with me--the blog may look a little unfinished while I stumble along through the process.

And, um, why is my blog getting a lot of traffic from people looking for info. on Troy Aikman's sexuality? Really?

Watching Winter X Games--those guys and gals can really throw down. Shaun White tonight!!!! If you haven't seen him, you are missing out on something special--the guy is phenomenal.

Do you twitter? I've often thought about it, but...I dunno...what am I gonna say? 2:30--slipped on ice, fell on bum; 3:30--bit sore, craving soda; 5:00--certain songs make my hormones rage something furious (example Robin Thicke's music...seriously); 7:00--the static electricity is really bugging me...feel like have Beetlejuice hair.

Anyway, I'm rambling...mainly because I'm putting off having to figure out the technical-blog-stuff.

Hope y'all had a great weekend!


  1. I am not on twitter and I don't ever plan on it.

  2. You have pages at the top! Love it! Love the new look. No worries...we will all be patient as you figure out what works best for you! :-)

  3. Can't help ya... HTML hates me. Good Luck!

  4. I suck at techo stuff too! lol I don't twitter. Wait, not entirely true, I created an account about 2 years ago and tried it but hated it. Plus, I quickly learned how easy it was for me to stalk someone I was trying to get over. Soooo, I had to go cold turkey!!! lol

  5. your fake tweets were a lot better than the majority of real tweets from people lol

  6. I'm on Twitter and I don't know why. Everytime I sign on, I feel like a real twit!

  7. haha, I twitter, but it's pretty much blog promo. I'll occasionally do a clever one liner or something. At least I try. =]

  8. I enjoy twitter, it's a great way to get my witty lines out there when that's all it is. Not enough to blog about, but perfect for micro-blogging. I think I enjoy it so much, because I can send a tweet anywhere from my phone.

    Totally watched some Shaun White last night at the pub. Good times.


  9. I admire you for changing blog yourself. I really hate HTML stuff and everything about it (don't even know what exactly, but I hate it!).

    I was very sceptical about Twitter but then I gave it a chance and I figured out is fun. If you'll sigh up tell us about it.

  10. The majority of my blog traffic comes from people searching for something filthy. :P
